
What is a secret for Change. When we talk about 'secrets' we are usually talking about things that are potentially obvious but for some reason we just fail to put the pieces of information together. When we eventually do see it for what it really is we have what is often called the "ah ahhhhh experience", which is short for ... "Ah ahhhh now I understand."

So here's a secret about achieving changes in your life; Small changes are likely to make the largest differences, and the opposite often has a habit of being true also.

So how does this work? Let's take an example of deciding that we are going to quit our job and begin a new business doing something we really like doing!

As we keep thinking about this we soon realise the ever increasing risks that this entails. We're likely to find ourselves still thinking about it, but taking no action because it has all become too overwhelming.

On the other hand, if we decide instead to keep working in our job and in our spare time purchase a few widgets wholesale from Ebay and re-sell them individually for a higher price, the chances are high that we'll give this a go.

Obviously this is because the risks are lower and failure unlikely to devastate. Of course the 'Ebay Option' can turn into something huge if we're good enough (as indeed it already has for many people) while the 'Quit-My-Job Option' is likely to become a state of eternal procrastination!

The principle at work here: Small changes are more likely to happen than large changes and putting lots of small changes together is an effective way of achieving large major changes in your life.

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