Relationships at Work

Here's one of the great paradox's of life. The ones we love the most, the ones we spend the most time with, the ones who mean the most to us, are the very ones that we treat like junk at times! We seem to reserve both our best and worst behaviors for the people we love the most!

You see in all loving relationships eventually things 'unlike love' come up sooner or later. Of course some people do manage to pretend that they just don't have that sort of stuff in them. But usually this pretending comes with a huge price tag, like some sort of illness or an emotional dysfunction somewhere, either with you or even someone who is very close to you.

The point being made is this. The good and the bad always come together. That's just a part of the deal of being in a 'happy and healthy relationship with anybody. Sooner or later, the junk's going to show itself.

If you have a successful relationship then you and the one you love are going to have challenges to deal with. If you are in an unsuccessful relationship then you and the one you love are going to be challenged by something, and you'll be having lots of trouble dealing with it.

And that's essentially the difference between relationships that work compared to relationships that don't work. It's not about the sort of problems that they have.

Great relationships deal with their challenges, whereas failing relationships get stuck and can't move forward when they come up against a challenge.

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