Divorce isn't working

The family court 0f Australia is in dire strife with cases increasing by almost 20,000 in the past decade. Legal fees are up around $5billion per year and its become a lawyers picnic.

If you want to get divorced now, it will cost you and your loved one an average of $40,000. A rather large investment for something that doesn't work anyway. If it did then 75% of divorcees wouldn't keep doing the divorce thing again and again would they?

Don't get me wrong, I am not blaming divorcees for their predicament. We are all encouraged to believe in a system which is not interested in actually preventing divorce, even though people live more happily than ever if that hiccup is not escalated into the War of the Roses. Divorcing people are being ripped off in more ways than one because they don't know what else to do.

So they decide to put themselves at the mercy of a secret court system that fails to delivers value. Here's an example that demonstrates how common sense goes out the window in a self-serving system. A mother who abandoned her first daughter when she was 2-years-old and who was described as having displayed dreadful, cruel and malicious behaviour, was awarded custody over a father who was described as no threat to his children, a successful parent who is courteous and intelligent.

Why? Well you see, this mother had refused to allowed this man access to his children so he had not seen them for 4 years. The court, in a display of it's special brand of wisdom, ruled that because of time spent apart, it was in the children's best interests to spend no time with the father.

Normally psychologists would have a big say here so this end result would be coming from recommendations based on god knows what premise. Perhaps the court professionals needs to study up on the relationships between parents and children because damage has been done to those kids and the damage is now set to continue.

The Family Court of Australia is just not able to deal with family breakdowns.

It is time that people started to say ... "enough! I am not getting divorced because divorce sucks ... it doesn't work ... instead I have to take responsibility for where I am and to deal with it ... because that does work!".

People get divorced because they think they have to. Lots of professionals think the same. Yet that's about as far from the truth as you can get. Some families do need to split up but not 50%. 5% or 10% perhaps but 50% says there is something wrong with the system and this is causing too many people lots of unnecessary suffering.

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