Life is a struggle, so it is said. But what comes out of the struggle is everything wonderful in our life. We may struggle to get rid of our problems, in the fantasy that if could get rid of them all, then everything would be fantastic.
"If only I can have a new relationship with someone who truly understands me then things will be great". "If only my children behave themselves then I will have a wonderful life". "If only I have more money, then my problems will all be over". And so on ...
But problem-free is just not possible. Solve one problem and you've got another. Deal with one issue and you've got a host of new issues to deal with.
Every time you solve problems, the next set of problems is bigger and more complex than the ones just solved.
"My problem is that I live alone and I am lonely". So I get married and the lonliness problem is now solved, but hey life is anything but problem free now!!
Problems, in one form or another, are a fact of absolutely everyone's life, all of the time. Perhaps that's why we are such great problem solvers. We are collectively addicted to finding problems and solving them. Without problems to solve, life is all but meaningless. without problems we have nothing to do ... we have no reason to drive ourselves forward ... we have nothing daring us to become even greater.
Our problems then are our constant motivation to grow and develop. That's why happy people are those who are constantly solving problems, while unhappy people are those who are stuck on the same old problems year in and year out.
It stands to reason then that the greatest gifts you can potentially receive are most likely to come from those who you regard as the source of your greatest problems!
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