The Problem Mindset

Welcome to this the first Mindset Magic Blog.

Every day I have the priviledge of working with people who want to grow and develop into even more of who they are. It's where I spend the majority of my time and it is something that gives me great pleasure.

Invariably people seek assistance not because they are challenged, but because their challenges keep persisting. The problem is that while these persist, the natural growth and development processes are held up.

Everyone always has problems to deal with. There are absolutely no exceptions to this. Successfully dealing with challenges is the most normal and natural state there is, but it's only growthful when things are being 'successfully deal with'.

When challenges are not being dealt with you are stuck where you are. When there's seemingly little hope of further progress and development is when things turn sour.

On the other hand,
when challenges are being conquered, a happy, fulfilling, satisfying and meaningful life comes about. Happiness comes from challenges being overcome because that's when the growth happens.

And here's the good news ... No matter how many challenges you overcome in your life, there's always further opportunities for even more growth and development, just around the corner.

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